
"During the welcome call, I realized that my true expectation from this course was the desire to dream freely in God. Before now, I have approached a lot of things with feelings of fear and bondage, but this course has changed my mentality. My outlook on life has changed, and the way I express my desires to the Lord. I have grown in boldness to move against fear."
Oreoluwa Olasubulumi
Montreal, Canada
"It's worthy of mention that price cannot be placed on this course. My life experienced a shift, I went from being lost and struggling to coming to rest in God and the total understanding that His will for me is good. I now recognize that my life has meaning and dreaming with God is a lifestyle!

I am sure I have said this a few times, but GOD Bless You Mary. I signed up for this course with a lot of questions in my heart, and even when I almost gave up on joining the program, you didn't let me go ( This singular act is a reminder that God sees me and is very intentional about me). Thank you, I have answers to some questions and I am on the right direction to understanding. Thank you, for yielding, thank you for going above and beyond to ensure that our hearts were feed, thank you for saying Yes to Abba. May God reward you, God bless you OMO OBA"
Shalom Adelaja
Dubai, UAE
"The course really changed my perspective on the way I see things of God, my walk with Him, and my relationship with people. Mary challenged me to look for the good in everything, to see God as a parent, and to live from a place of submission to His fatherhood and kingship. It was a much-needed wake-up call. I am daily reminded of the authority I carry as God’s beloved daughter. It’s easy to be swayed and forget, but now, I am awake, and it feels so good."
Simi Famuyiwa
Ottawa, Canada
"Ahhh, Mary, my woman of light and great wisdom. My perspective has changed, and I see things differently now. I know that God is always with me, and I am never at a disadvantage. This shift in perception is a big deal to me.

While on this course and after listening to Mary, I decided to purchase the SYSS book. Besides recommending the course, I will definitely recommend anything written by Mary. What a woman.

Maryyyy!!! God bless you. Thank you for sharing your story with me. I will never forget the 'you have permission' email. I even shared it with my boss. Because I joined this course, I will always live in freedom! I will always be a free man. Mary, God bless you for all of us 😭❤️ "
Aderinsola Adeniregun
"The course has helped me to see those things that were hindrances to my journey of dreaming with God. It has reaffirmed my place as the Father's daughter. This course realigned my expectations from the Father and from life as a whole. I also believe I've been healed from people-pleasing and low self-worth "
Afor Asaju
Lokoja, Nigeria
"Firstly, my relationship with God is renewed, I feel brand new. I can't explain in words how I feel having to understand the Fatherhood of God and realizing I am His child and acting as one.... Secondly, my emotions. I can't remember the last time I actually shed a tear before this course started. I was never moved by anything even if it seems like heaven is falling, I was stone hearted, but now, I feel alive, I feel like a human being. I feel sooooo fresh like a new born baby. Thirdly, my thinking pattern. I think positively now, I expect good things. I know how to counter negative thoughts. I respond to issues and events with a positive mindset. "
Moyosoreoluwa Shokunbi
Ogun, Nigeria
"I have experienced a change in perspective and a mind renewal regarding crucial aspects of my journey. I have gained clarity and understanding of important principles in doing life with God. I've also learnt the organized method of journaling, seeing it as a form of stewardship. The course has helped to realign and deepen my understanding of the character of God, and His love for me.

Through this course (Dreaming with God), I also learned that journaling itself is an act of stewardship. When it is done rightly, journaling ensures that we pay attention to the details of our journey, walk with intentionality and keep a track record of our growth process. I also learnt that God that takes me seriously, a God that is committed to seeing my desires fulfilled."
Phebe Taiwo
"The course has expanded my mind and understanding of what it means to dream with God. It has also equipped me with knowledge and boldness to execute the dreams of God in my heart. I believe this course is a worthwhile experience that anyone seeking to be productive for God should undertake. This course has God's breath and I am sure anyone that engages it will profit greatly from it. "
Dunni Dimka
London, UK
"Before this course, I didn't know what it was like to dream, let alone dream with God. Everyone had dreams, passions for what they'd like to do or achieve, and I had nothing. I was just living life daily with no color, without any goal. This course has opened my eyes to see how my thought process and mind were. Of course, there is still a long way to go, but I'm learning how to THINK (first of all) and how God thinks."
Favour, Olukosi
Texas, USA
"The course has added value to me in diverse ways, especially in my mind. I could talk about this for hours. It has allowed me to see my life differently, to see my life through a truer perspective - through the lens of the one who created me. It has given me a healthy respect for myself and my journey.

The course has stirred up in me a new love for the Word. It has broken down faulty mindsets and given me room to see God in every detail of my life. This course has changed the words that come out of me; now I'm conscious of speaking good out of my lips. The Dreaming with God course has made my life richer. It has taught me to trust God. I have found a new hope and assurance in God."
Agu Kachi
"I had no expectations when I signed up for this course, but I am excited with the outcomes because it’s my first time investing in a course like this. This course has added great value to my life in general, words cannot describe how I feel.But I am not going to stop here,I will keep applying every word and note from each session to my daily life."
Jumaima Okocha
London, United Kingdom
"The course demystified things for me, showing me that walking with God is not difficult. The Dreaming with God course was a roadmap for me."
Nkechi Umegbolu
Nkechi, Nigeria
I now think outside the box and no longer limit God. If God says I can do it, then I believe I can, and I will get there in His timing and through His lens. The "Dreaming with God" course has taught me intimacy with God; I practically tell Him everything now, down to money for eating out, since Mary can ask God for ice cream money, lol.

God bless you, Mary. Thank you for sharing this course with us. It has been a mindset changer.
Ibukunoluwa Adeyemi
Alberta, Canada